the portal

An 8-week trauma-informed somatic wealth activation online course for impact-driven humans to help you heal your relationship with money thru the BODY so you can break chains of limitation and flow in more money with EASE!

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money loves you

Money wants to support you.

Money wants to partner with you to amplify your work so you can reach more people who need your medicine.

Money wants to flow thru you with EASE.

YES, you are meant to be abundant in this lifetime.

YES, you get to be spiritual AND be rich.

YES, your relationship with money gets to feel EXCITING and LIGHT and JOYFUL!

And NO, it doesn't have to take a million years or require you to crunch hella numbers or study hella books or go thru painful financials.

So why does money feel so hard?

Because money is pitted against us.

We're sold the idea that money is "evil" or that wealthy people are selfish and corrupt.

That in order to be successful, you gotta work hella hard, put in more hours, earn your seat at the table.


This is no accident.

We’re taught to fear money, reject it, want it…but not too much.

We're taught that money is HARD.

And we buy it. 

This unhealed relationship with money has been passed down thru generations to keep us in check, in line, controllable. 

Yet you know you're not here to break your back working just to barely make ends meet. 

NOW is the time you stop being undervalued, overworked, and underpaid.

NOW is the time to break those chains of scarcity. Unsubscribe to the narrative. Break the agenda. Get resourced AF! 

More money in YOUR hands is MEDICINE for the world.

a holistic  approach to money

Your Wealth Consciousness is Intergenerational, Intersectional, and Deeply Personal

Often, what manifests as "money problems" are actually tied to deeper rooted factors, and yet, we try to "fix" the problem from the surface.

This is why mindset or strategy alone don’t work. 

They don’t go beyond the surface where the real drivers of your wealth consciousness, and therefore MONEY UPPER LIMITS lie.

It's also why you can try to do everything that Money Mogul on the internet does, without getting the same results.

It’s because your wealth consciousness isn’t the same as hers.

Your wealth consciousness (aka your money operating system) is inherently unique to you. It's your unique money fingerprint.

Without addressing your PERSONAL wealth consciousness in this 360 view, money will continuously feel triggering and confusing, and you'll continue to chase someone else's results.

the missing piece

Money has always been talked about in the context of mindset and strategy. Here’s the problem with that.

In order to hold MORE — more clients, more growth, more visibility, more money — you need to EXPAND your capacity.

What capacity? Nervous system capacity.

And the way to the nervous system is thru your 'SOMA' aka BODY. Therefore, money growth without the SOMATIC SUPPORT means you’re working with limited resources.

You’re CAPPED in how much you can give and receive.

So we’re flipping the script.
We’re doing a bottom-up approach to money and biz.
We’re starting with the body!

A bottom-up approach to money healing.

somatic wealth ACTIVATION

Instead of jumping directly into financial literacy or money mindset, we’re starting with the PORTAL for big healed money – the BODY.

The body contains our genetic programming around money, as well as any stored trauma that contributes to how we move with regards to money.

As physical therapists often say – “your issues are in your tissues”. So we’re using the body to literally MOVE thru old programming, unserving money stories, and EXPAND your capacity to hold MORE.

It’s the most grounded approach to healing your money relationship, and most potent portal for welcoming in wealth!

A Human-Forward approach to wealth building 

RICH isn't a dollar amount

It’s knowing down to your bones that abundance is your birthright.
That you’re living out your ancestors’ wildest dream.
That in every moment of every day you know you’re supported — in the world of the seen and unseen.
That’s what RICH feels like.

And THAT feeling is what brings in cash flow!


Because FEELING rich is an expansive energy.

It’s the energy that opens you up to possibility, creative flow, and access to your zone of genius.

That’s also an energy that’s magnetic AF!

The problem is we’re not taught how to be in this energy.

We’re told to be humble, stay out of the way, be small, don’t draw attention to yourself.

So when the BODY isn’t used to feeling open and expansive, we stay in contraction.

And when we’re in contraction, how could money possibly flow thru you?


new paradigm of success

It's time to decondition from the old money paradigms tied to hard work and worthiness.

Money gets to feel EASY.

It’s never about DOING more.

Your price has nothing to do with your worth.

Money and Power go hand in hand.

Money follows YOUR lead.

Let it be EASY.

Let it be FUN.


Ready to walk thru the portal of easeful money?

Money flows thru you with EASE.

let's expand together

this course is a good fit for you if...


You're tired of barely making ends meet, and want to live a richer life where you can buy organic food, travel first class, and get a massage without worrying about the price tag. 


You're overwhelmed with your financial situation, and the thought of money keeps you up at night -- paying bills, chasing revenue goals, scared of raising prices, dodging sales conversations.


You've reached what feels like a money ceiling -- you keep working more hours, but your bank account stays the same.


You feel guilty about spending money. There's a voice in your head that judges everything you buy because "that money can be spent on more practical things or helping out your family". To splurge is to be selfish and irresponsible.


You keep tying your worth and sense of freedom to money. You often say things like:
“If I make $10k months, then I’ll be happy.”
“If I get to six-figures, then I can relax.”
“When I pay off all my debt, then I can breathe.”


You want to break generational chains of poverty and scarcity. You want a healthy relationship with your money that will make your ancestors proud, and that you're proud to pass down your lineage!


You avoid money matters at all cost -- like looking at bills, credit cards, debt, loans, bank statements. If you're running a business, you don’t know your numbers – revenue, profit margins, operation costs, etc.


You want to finally charge the rates you want, make the salary you desire, and live a RICH f*cking life!

I get it...

I didn't know what a healthy relationship with money looked like 

Growing up, I watched family fight over money. At church, I was told money was the root of all evil. After college, the goal was to secure a job and make a ton of money. But only spend it on practical things, nothing frivolous.

The thought of money was conflicting, confusing, and exhausting.

Money = chaos.

No wonder as an adult, I developed an avoidant relationship with money. 

These money wounds showed up in my business, my relationships, my credit score, and my bank account.

Something had to change.

And that's when I realized that in order to feel good about money, I had to HEAL my relationship with money.


The P  rtal

An 8-week trauma-informed somatic wealth activation online course for impact-driven humans to help you heal your relationship with money thru the BODY so you can break chains of limitation and flow in more money with EASE!



the four pillars of 
 the portal journey



Learn your subconscious money beliefs that are running the show. Learn why you have "self-sabotage" -- or what I like to call SELF-PROTECTION -- tendencies when it comes to money.

We're healing your money upper limits and reprogramming those money beliefs to ones that support the most expansive vision of your life.



The Portal is home to RICH FLOW™ -- my signature wealth activation somatic practice that combines breathwork, ecstatic dance, and money mantras. We're clearing the body of any stored trauma and energetic residue that's keeping you from being a clear channel for money. Calm your nervous system so you can better regulate during moments of trigger, and expand your capacity to hold more!



Reclaim freedom with money. Learn how to let go of the conditioning around money that told you WHAT to do with your money and HOW to use it.

Learn that it's safe to charge money, spend money, receive money, invest money, and save money that's in alignment with your TRUTH. 



Money isn't just transactional -- it's RELATIONAL. It wants to use you as a force for good! You're not here to simply hoard cash, but to be a trusted steward of BIG HEALED money.

Learn rituals and practical strategies to help deepen your relationship with your money, open channels for more cash flow, and feel more purposeful and intentional with money.  

the somatic schedule

8 weeks of becoming the rich steward of money

week 1


  • Prime your body for healing and receiving
  • Forgive money for all the ways it hurt you
  • Release unserving stories and till the soil for a healthy, thriving relationship with money

week 2


  • Don’t let debt define you or your worth
  • Cultivate safety amidst having debt
  • Release any shame, blame and guilt around debt

week 3


  • Dissolve the belief that more money = more work
  • Uncover the narratives that self-sabotage your success
  • Break ancestral/generational chains of poverty, scarcity, and limitation

week 4


  • Stop chasing financial goals to make you feel validated
  • Break chains of pressure for constant productivity
  • Cultivate a persona you honor outside of your money circumstance

week 5


  • Feel regulated about charging money, raising rates, asking for a raise, or spending money
  • Stop blocking and self-sabotaging your success
  • Stop tolerating mediocre, and start to lead with desire

week 6


  • Dissolve the stop-go, up-down energy around your biz and money
  • Cultivate conviction in your action and groundedness in your vision
  • Stop waiting for money to come -- be the leader of your life, your business, your money

week 7


  • Be a clear channel for divine downloads
  •  Tap into unseen realms where your most genius ideas live
  • Get tangible strategies to increase your cash flow

week 8


  •  Cultivate the courage and audacity to be RICH, and unapologetically live LUXURIOUSLY
  •  Be a trusted and impactful steward of money
  •  Live joyfully knowing abundance, ease, and living a damn good life is your birthright!

How does this sound?

After our time together, these are the results you get...


get off the roller coaster of emotions when it comes to money


feel safe to rest because you've dissolved the fear that money is tied to your worth


money triggers don't take you out. you feel empowered to take action, and grounded in your decisions.


you charge the prices you want, and spend your money how you desire.




you easily tap into your creativity and genius which opens up more portals for cash flow

The P  rtal

An 8-week trauma-informed somatic wealth activation online course for impact-driven humans to help you heal your relationship with money thru the BODY so you can break chains of limitation and flow in more money with EASE!


at soul flow co., we believe that financial education is an important skillset that drives us closer toward collective liberation. we hope to make this course accessible to as many people as possible by offering sliding scale pricing. select the price that best fits you below:



Pricing that pays for yourself.


Pricing that helps pay it forward.

$1999 (with up to 4 month payment plan options)

$1499 (with up to 4 month payment plan options)


Pricing that is supported by your peers.

sustainer price

supporter price

community price

big results require big shifts

Healing your relationship with money may feel foreign and unfamiliar. But the pay off is so worth it.

Discomfort is an automatic response to anything out of your ordinary. But remember, discomfort doesn't = dangerous. Your ability to move thru the feelings of discomfort allows you to make space for DESIRE, PLEASURE, PURPOSE, and POWER.

If you want to finally transmute money anxiety and worry into FINANCIAL POSSIBILITY...

You're in the right place.

— Anaïs Nin

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."                    

By the end of this course, you will...

Like downloading a fresh operating system, you'll de-program from the outdated money beliefs that no longer serve your highest good.

Upgrade money beliefs

When you know how to EMBODY your natural state of abundance, you carry a silent frequency that's inexplicably magnetic and draws people in.

Raise energetic frequency

Have a laid back attitude with money so that you're no longer chasing, forcing, or grasping. You allow money to flow thru you with ease.

Flow with ease

Because you're no longer self-protecting, you finally allow yourself to receive more -- more money, more love, more support, more success, more pleasure, more LIFE.

Expand capacity for more

Dissolve the emotional charge with money so that you're no longer triggered by the sight of bills, be able to have healthy conversations about money, and have the audacity to raise your prices, and feel good about getting paid very well.

Feel empowered with money

Feel optimistic about your financial future, move with abundance, and discover creative ways you can call in more money!

Call in #BigHealedMoney 

hey there!

I'm Drea, your new wealth activator 

A certified trauma-informed Somatic Activated Healer™ on a mission to get more money in the hands of women, healers, coaches, creatives, change-makers, trailblazers, and light leaders!

But it wasn't always this way. 

In 2022, I had a MAJOR money reckoning. I broke up with a client, and went into an existential crisis where I questioned my virtues and ethics around money. Was I a bad person for charging thousands of dollars for a coaching program? Was I a capitalist a$$hole who was perpetuating harm with my business model? I almost quit my business.

I turned to mentors, healers, and DANCE to help me process all of my ancestral money wounds and clear the shame I subconsciously carried around money. I finally landed on MY TRUTH.
Little did I know that I walked thru a powerful money PORTAL. 

Healing my relationship with money meant I I was no longer avoidant with money. I created a money ritual that deepened my relationship with my numbers, and helped me feel less triggered when checking bills and bank statements.

I had a daily somatic practice that helped me call in my highest income milestones with ease: a $60k launch, $23k cash month, and $15k cash day while working with the most soul-aligned clients who share my mission and vision for a healed world.

 I call myself a Holistic Wealth Activator not because I read a book or became certified. But because I LIVED it. I felt the pain, walked thru the rapture, and supported myself thru the other side. And now I'm here to support YOU. 

This course is the only one of its kind because...

we're going beyond mindset and affirmations

We're taking a bottom-up approach to money healing. We're going beyond mindset, and learning what healed money feels like in the BODY.

Instead of "band-aiding" with surface-level tactics, you'll learn how to heal your money wounds, clear energetic residue, and EMBODY wealth frequency.

You'll also learn practical money exercises to help deepen your relationship with money, and create ways to call more BIG healed money into your world.

This is truly a holistic approach to wealth activation.

and we're making healing fun!

Bringing levity to a traditionally heavy topic like money is exactly the medicine many of us need. So while we'll be doing some processing of old money wounds, we're also going to approach it with lightness.

Expect shaking, dancing, twirling, good a$$ music, and perhaps even some booty twerking!

everything you need to finally heal your relationship with money is at your fingertips 

In our 8 weeks, together, I will be your trusted guide and support. But this journey also requires YOUR commitment. Just like any relationship, you get out what you put in. 
I'm here to provide a proven path to feelings of liberation and ease with money -- but the choice is yours. Do you go on the journey? Do you dare walk thru The Portal?

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I pay?

You'll receive the log-in information to an online portal where you'll get immediate access to the modules.

How long do I have access to the course? 

You'll have access to it forever!

Do I need to be dancer for this course to work for me?

Absolutely not! This course is all about finding freedom in your body -- no matter how it moves. While there are some specific moves I show you, none of it is choreography that you have to get perfectly down. This is all about having fun, letting loose, and developing a deeper connection with your body.

What will the moves and music be like?

All sessions are under 30 minutes, and are accompanied by a specifically curated playlist with music spanning all genres. The moves are comprised of: shaking, breathing, simple dynamic motions, and free-form dance. 

I've already taken so many money mindset courses -- how is this different?

We're taking a bottom-up approach to money. We're going beyond mindset, and learning what healed money feels like in the BODY. You'll get specially curated somatic movements and dance sessions to help you activate wealth in a way that feels calming, easeful, and fun!

Will you cover things like savings, investing, budgeting, bookkeeping, etc?

This course is specifically around money relationship and wealth energetics. So while some traditional wealth-building tips will be shared, they won't be the main focus. 

Do I have to have financial trauma in order to take this course?

Nope! The Portal is curated to be trauma-informed, however even without that experience, the course teaches you how to expand your capacity to hold more and deepen your relationship with money so that you can call in more BIG MONEY with ease and joy!

let's dance

Ready to make the big money moves, but have more questions about the course? Shoot my team an email at or DM me @soulflowco