break chains, blaze trails, unshame money

Soul Flow Co. is an online sanctuary for conscious entrepreneurs who are here for a big MISSION, and even larger VISION.

Sh*t's changing. Old systems and structures are breaking down to make room for new ways of healing, thriving, and making money.

It's no coincidence you're here. You chose to be in this place and time because you have big magic to share, and potent medicine to offer the world. 

We want you. We NEED you.

Entrepreneurship is the ULTIMATE reclamation and spiritual evolution. Are you equipped for the journey?

The problem is that the world doesn't realize the power of your work. Our world is built on the paradigm that mental and physical labor reign supreme -- that's why doctors, lawyers, engineers get paid more.

As a Coach or Healer, you're part of the helping industry (think midwives, teachers, nurses, caregivers). And your emotional labor is what keeps the world going, and thus, NEEDS to be valuated just as highly.

You need to get paid as much!

we're shifting the paradigm

I'm here to help you articulate the depth of your work, embody the abundance that is your birthright, and grow your business so you can serve more while working with more ease.

the founder


Spiritual Savant, Valiant Visionary, and  Wild Woman Warrior

After a life-altering cancer diagnosis where Drea went thru the full gamut of treatment, she realized that while her medical doctors helped her heal her body, the people who truly brought her back to life were her therapist, energy healers, spiritual mentors, and coaches.

That's when she realized: 'If healers and coaches can impact people so powerfully, why don't they get paid more?' 

And thus, her mission was birthed: 
To help healers, coaches, and creatives get paid as much as doctors.

Her vehicle is called “business coaching” but truly, it’s her way of paying it back, and paying it forward so that Healers and Coaches can get RESOURCED AF to continue the really important soul work they've agreed to do in this time and place.

Her passion is to support women re-wild: un-contort, un-perform, un-learn all the conditioning that takes them away from their native wisdom and primal instincts — the two ingredients necessary to grow a wildly iconic business and brand. 

She's a disruptor and visionary, and is here to lead a new paradigm of business and money where the HUMAN comes first. 

her vibe: a Beyonce twerk video meets Buddhist meditation retreat meets Oprah yelling “EVERYONE GETS A CAR!”

Getting you Resourced AF

more about her

relevant experience


18 years of Corporate Leadership

Cross-functional leadership, direct employee management, and multi-million account and project management.

biopharma + tech industry


Professional Coaching Certification

Mindfulness-based, whole-person approach to behavioral change based on non-judgemental and empowering partnership.



Mindful Leadership

Compassion for self and others at the root. Specializing in Self-Awareness, Emotional Resilience, Effective Communication, Alignment & Envisioning, and Conscious Leadership 



Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

How to use innate resources and abilities to respond more effectively to stress, pain, and illness thru mindfulness meditation and its integration into the challenges and adventures of everyday life. 



Radical Love and Equity

Heart-Centered Approach to Recovering from Racism and Racist Ideas 



Certified Trauma-Informed Somatic Activated Healer 

A radical combination of trauma-informed, evidence-based healing modalities offering a safe and non-invasive means of accessing and releasing the emotional baggage in our bodies.

sah method by sah d'simone

All about

Ethical business practices, ancestral healing, radical accountability, sovereignty, long-term sustainable growth, generational wealth


Spiritual bypassing, toxic positivity, profit-above-all mentality, blame and shame game, short-term gratification, shamed money

agree? we're probably a great fit.

let's work together

MAKING magic real AGAIN

Whether you're a newer entrepreneur looking to launch your business, or an experienced biz baddie who wants to expand and scale sustainably -- there's something here for you. Check out the comprehensive list of services we provide, including: group immersions, high-touch partnerships, and online courses.